I first read about the Refill scheme in June 2017 and thought it was an elegantly simple idea that was replicable across the whole country. As part of Worthing Climate Action Network, we started getting our favourite cafes to sign up, on the app. Our volunteer efforts progressed reasonably steadily, without any significant funding or support.
This spring, I was approached by West Sussex County Council to formalise the scheme and receive the support needed to get this properly launched. Hooray! WSCC have brought the backing of our local water company, Southern Water. In addition, our local authority, Adur and Worthing Councils, have been forthcoming with their support. This has allowed our small volunteer group to feel confident in becoming the official lead organisation, knowing we have partners who are working with us to deliver the project.
We are now working collaboratively to develop an official launch event for Worthing. It’s going to be great – a mix of public promotion with a follow-up early evening event to target local businesses. The scheme has provided a push for Worthing CAN to reach out to related groups, such as Greenpeace and Surfers Against Sewage, in order to act as an umbrella organisation like our namesakes in Brighton. By working together, we can share resources, including volunteers, ensuring we can support each other’s campaigns, recognising that they are all part of the same conclusions. Despite the small-size of our group, we are now aiming to become formally constituted, opening possibilities for funding and future partnerships with other organisations.
Refill Worthing has a dedicated Facebook and Twitter account – so check out the regular updates and download the Refill app to get creating stations where you are.
FuturEcoLogic Ltd have significant experience in mobilising community and partnership schemes. If you have a great idea and want professional advice on how to get it up, running and established, then get in touch today.