Bringing Refill to Adur and Worthing

I first read about the Refill scheme in June 2017 and thought it was an elegantly simple idea that was replicable across the whole country. As part of Worthing Climate Action Network, we started getting our favourite cafes to sign up, on the app. Our volunteer efforts progressed reasonably steadily, without any significant funding or support. This spring, I was approached by West Sussex…

Starting out with sustainability

Everyday in the news, there is another story about the perils of climate change, environmental degradation and the impact these will have on human health. With the complexity of human society, an ever-globalised system delivering and determining the resources available to particular communities at any on time, sustainability is itself solutions chained within these structural webs. Unpicking the strands and creating change can be…

So, I’ve been thinking about Ecosystem Services…

It’s Sunday night and I’ve been reading the newly published Natural Capital Investment Plan (NCIP) for Surrey, produced by the Surrey Nature Partnership. It outlines ideas to build conservation projects, which can lever in financial investment via new funding mechanisms. The academic world has been grappling with Ecosystem Services and payment for these for some time. In the background, Saving Capitalism is playing on…