Director, Association of Sustainability Practitioners
The Association of Sustainability Practitioners (ASP) is a membership organisation, which exists to promote learning that transforms behaviour from unsustainable to sustainable and regenerative practices. We are an international community of sustainability practitioners with a wide diversity of skills and practices, learning and acting together to create truly sustainable futures. ASP provides the space to safely explore the challenges of this journey through mutual support and helpful connection. As a Director, I hold the space for collaboration, building partnerships and networking to forward our collective ambitions. Website: https://sustainabilitypractitioners.org/

Trustee and Networks Coordinator, National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces
The NFPGS is the umbrella charity that aims to amplify the voices of Friends Groups across the UK. The Federation works with the dynamic and inspirational grassroots movement of over 7,000 local Friends of Parks groups. We represent volunteers who act on behalf of the communities, to campaign and care for our vital public green spaces of all kinds. We exist to promote their activities, issues and concerns, and strengthen their passionate and knowledgeable voices. NFPGS is a current member of the government-led, Parks Action Group, leading a series of national community conferences in 2019. Website: www.natfedparks.org.uk and Twitter: @NatFedParks.
We have launched the Charter for Parks, with twelve other national organisations, calling for adequate protection and funding to protect our beloved green spaces – more info here: https://www.parkscharter.org.uk/.

Director (current), Chair (Aug 2017-Sept 2020), Green Tides CIC (Adur and Worthing Green Spaces Partnership)
Green Tides represents approximately 40 community green-space volunteer groups across Adur and Worthing. They work collaboratively, sharing ideas, knowledge and resources. Groups develop and improve local green-spaces (includes coastal areas) to benefit wildlife and local communities. Green Tides amplifies the voices of existing ‘Friends’ groups and community volunteers strategically, working with the Councils and other organisations. They support local people to develop new community green space volunteer groups. Website: https://greentides.org.uk/ and link to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GreenTides/

Member (now international), Worthing Climate Action Network
Worthing CAN campaigns for positive action to reduce the impact of climate change. We are part of the Fossil Fuel Divestment movement, campaigning for West Sussex County Council to divest fossil fuels from their pension fund portfolio. Actions included petitions, climate cake stalls to engage the public, speaking at the WSCC Pensions Panel and launching Refill Worthing. We held one of two events in the UK as part of the global, Climate Change Action Theatre.
We co-organised Zero 2030 with Transition Town Worthing and Adur & Worthing Councils. I represented WCAN as an Advisory Board Member for the Citizen’s Climate Assembly. We are now working with the Worthing Climate Resilience Centre (CREW) to promote and enable local climate action. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worthingclimateaction/ and Twitter: @WorthingCAN