There is a feeling among my friends and colleagues, it fills the algorithms of my social media too. This feeling is nearly despairing, a clamouring and call to action on the climate. Yet, days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and years have come and gone. New leadership in the UK heralds yet more back-turning, away from the facts, the truths of global temperature rises and devastating weather.
I write often about how to navigate this context, although increasingly the pathways seem to be made harder by those creating the policies and guidance. The cost of living crisis is impacting on households and business alike. It is challenging, within this context, to set a course towards climate action. However, collectively we must rise to this challenge, take meaningful steps to reduce carbon emissions, and seek the potential future in which humanity, and other species on this planet, can thrive.
My focus currently, is to expand our view, beyond sustainability, and towards regeneration and (why not) a utopian future. I don’t claim that the pathway is clear, easy or predictable; times of transition are chaotic. This does not mean we should sit back and wait for the chaos to calm before making a move. Indeed, the first movers, the leaders, have much to gain by taking action earlier, understanding and acting upon the risks to themselves, their communities, business and areas of influence.
Starting these journeys within a workplace is powerful. Increasingly, new workers into the economic system are seeking more than a role which pays the rent. They want to feel useful, have a purpose, and be part of a greater conversation.
We are in the late-Capitalism stage of humanities development. Our planet and the life which depends upon it has suffered from growth without limits. Change is happening and we can all create the new narrative going forward. The future is ours for the writing; acting and creating now will be the moves to take us there.