Been a busy few weeks here after doubling-down on our house (land) hunting in Portugal. We’ve now settled on the area of Fundão, nestled in the foothills of the Serra da Gardunha. There’s a strong culture of food and farming, with lots of incoming settlers from around Europe and beyond, bringing permaculture and organic ideals to small-holdings across the area. The trees are broadleaved and majestic, the mountains stunning.
Working on the videos about sustainability for business has been on the back-burner. I’ve taken the opportunity today to get three more topics covered. This series feels nearly finished and has covered all the basic areas of a sustainability action plan. Covering these areas does show how the sustainability agenda is fluid, with certain areas of action impacting on multiple targets and others where conflicts come into play. The key message is to take action now.
In the run up to COP26 later this year, there will be a huge range of reports, lobbying and information about the climate change agenda. The importance of this global conference in agreeing concrete actions and targets cannot be underestimated. We all need to tackle the agenda in our immediate areas of influence, as individuals, communities and business. Our Governments must provide clear pathways for action, using all tools and influence to guide the transition to a fossil-free future.
Building capacity, knowledge and understanding around climate change is the main focus of FuturEcoLogic. Our current incarnation, as Patron supported entitiy, is aimed to encourage easier access to sustainability consultancy, making it affordable (free or nearly free!) and relevant to creating change and action.