A year of change

I sit here writing now, in the beautiful mountains of Portugal, and the scientists are increasingly concerned that the 1.5⁰C safe(ish) threshold of planetary warming will be passed in 2027. I am in a small village surrounded by Eucalyptus plantations for the paper industry, which smell glorious but are combustible and dangerous. If you walk through the roads between the monocultures you discover pockets…

Learning and reflecting

These last few weeks have been framed by an opportunity for some deep learning. I accidentally signed up for a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled ‘Worldviews: Moving From Sustainability to Regeneration’. It has been a lot more work than I thought, really enjoyable and importantly, a chance to learn and reflect on my professional practice. It’s not often that we have the opportunity…

An hour with Satish Kumar

Truly honoured last night to spend an hour, as part of the Association of Sustainability Practitioners Earth Conversations series, with Satish Kumar. A true gentleman and hero, Satish inspired us with his stories and words, so here are some of the takeaways from my notes during the evening: We are one humanity, one life and one Earth – all coming from the same origin…


It’s been a reflective month. I’ve been busy with the volunteering (parks are the place to be in summer), family and friends visiting, plus lots of activity in the build up to COP26. The IPCC has just released it’s Climate Change 2021 report, stark reading indeed. We fought (and lost) for a Community Wildflower Verge, mowed six weeks before the ideal time. Tears are…